The Air Cadet Organisation provides the opportunity for members to take part in a huge and diverse range of exciting and challenging activities. Many are organised at National and Regional level, with many others taking place locally at Wing and Squadron levels.
All the main activities that we do will have a link (above) to give you more information but just remember that is not the only activities that we do, Adventure Training, Music, Water sports, Climbing, Abseiling, Sports and more! You will be amazed at what activites that the ATC will provide so why don't you join up today?!
All the main activities that we do will have a link (above) to give you more information but just remember that is not the only activities that we do, Adventure Training, Music, Water sports, Climbing, Abseiling, Sports and more! You will be amazed at what activites that the ATC will provide so why don't you join up today?!